Tuesday, 5 March 2013


So I have always wanted to do a blog showing this I am appreciative of, because I have realised that I am a fairly observant person and always notice really small things that make me happy, so I'd like to share them with you :) The plan is a post every day or two...

I am only going to be doing this on this blog because I have another, more genera blog, its URL is fairydustonmyfingertips.blogspot.com so check that out :)

Other than that, I guess nothing else :) Its funny because recently I have been watching a few Zoella videos and she was explaining how her blog became so popular. I know that mine will never be like that, but I am okay with it, I mean, before i could find page views, etc, I didn't think anyone was reading them at all, and so if this at all makes you happy or just something that you feel like checking every now and then, then that's good enough for me...

So if you are actually keen in following my posts, please do follow or comment :) and you're also welcome to follow me on twitter @caity_cattell and if you're a fellow blogger, please do share your link with me, I'd love to read them!

- Caity xx