To me, being yourself is one of the most important things everyone needs to accomplish in their lives. We all accept and grow to love who we are at some point in our lives, but it will come at different stages. I recently ran to be head girl for my school as next year in my senior/ matric year. This is a huge responsibility and although I really wanted it, it was only after the head girl, a really close friend who will do a great job, was announced, I realised this. The thing is that even though I do believe I would have done a good job, I do think that you need to be 100% comfortable with yourself and who you are to be a good leader, and this is actually something that i still need to work on, personally. I am not fully confident in myself and I still get really self-conscious about how I look and what people will think about me. It has got so much better and I am happy and learning to accept myself, be myself and not care too much about what everyone thinks, but I am still learning, aren't we all?
- Caity xx